近日,美国卫生及公共服务部发布了第15版致癌物报告,新增8种致癌物,其中,幽门螺杆菌慢性感染被列为明确致癌物(known to be a human carcinogen)。
800彩票 Eight substances have been added to the US Report on Carcinogens, a cumulative report mandated by US Congress to list substances that are known or are reasonably anticipated to cause cancer in humans.
carcinogen /kɑːˈsɪnədʒən/:致癌物质
In the 15th Report on Carcinogens, the new entries added bring the total list up to 256 substances, according to a Dec 23 news release.
最新报告将致癌物种类增加到256种,其中幽门螺杆菌(H. pylori)慢性感染被列为明确人类致癌物、三氧化二锑被列为合理怀疑的致癌物,6种自来水消毒后的卤代乙酸副产物被认为具有致畸、致癌副作用。
800彩票 In the new report, chronic infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori, is listed as known to be a human carcinogen.
chronic /ˈkrɒnɪk/:慢性的;长期的
bacterium /bækˈtɪərɪəm/: 细菌
800彩票 helicobacter:螺杆菌
pylori /ˌpaɪˈlɔːri/: 幽门
800彩票 The flame-retardant chemical antimony trioxide, and six haloacetic acids (HAAs) found as water disinfection byproducts are listed as reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.
800彩票 byproduct :副产品
800彩票 H. pylori is a spiral bacteria that can enter the body through food, water or utensils, lives in the digestive tract and is behind most stomach ulcers. It is thought to penetrate the mucous lining of the stomach to establish infection and can lead to stomach cancer.
800彩票 幽门螺旋杆菌是一种螺旋形细菌,通过食物、水、餐具进入人体,生存于消化道中,常引发胃溃疡。这种细菌被认为能穿透胃黏膜,引发炎症或导致胃癌。
It is more commonly found in regions with less established infrastructures surrounding clean water and sewage systems, but spread from one person to another is possible through saliva or other bodily fluids.
H. pylori is estimated to infect 50% of the world’s population. In China, the nationwide average prevalence of H. pylori was estimated to be 59% in the general population during 2001-2014.
800彩票 幽门螺杆菌感染多是因为“病从口入”,常有家族聚集现象,如幽门螺杆菌感染者与家人亲密接触、共餐等。
800彩票 因此,预防幽门螺杆菌要做到以下几个措施:
800彩票 家中有幽门螺杆菌感染者,建议采取分餐制,并用消毒处理好的碗筷。
800彩票 首先是水源卫生,保证饮用水的干净。其次是个人卫生,饭前便后勤洗手;勤刷牙,以减少口腔中的细菌,牙具也要及时更换。此外要注意食品卫生,蔬菜、水果清洗干净,肉类一定要熟透后再吃。
800彩票 平时饮食习惯口味较重,吃得比较咸,常吃腌菜、腌肉等食物,都会加重幽门螺旋杆菌对胃黏膜的伤害,所以要尽量养成清淡饮食的习惯,少吃腌制品和加工食物。
800彩票 来源:自然 卫报 21世纪经济报道